Kakar Pharma Ltd. was established in 2013 as a private trading company and operates under the regulatory bodies of the Afghan Ministries of Public Health, Commerce and Industries ensuring that all regulations and read more …
Our Branches
- Kabul
- Herat
- Kandahar
- Helmand
- Nangarhar
- Kunduz
- Takhar
- Khost
- Laghman
- Mazar
- Farah
- Ghor
- Badghis
- Faryab
- Badakhshan
- Ghazni
- Logar
- Jowzjan
- Parwan
- Nimrooz
- Jalalabad
- Greshk
- Balkh
- Konar
- Bamyan
- Sarepol
- Shabarghan
Our Customers
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- Pharmacies / Drugstores
- Organizations and Institutions
- Governmental and Nongovernmental Offices
Address: Qader Bakhshi Market, Parwan Hotel, Kabul, Afghanistan.
Email: info@kakarpharma.af